[Important] Beware of Unauthorized Use of Your Internet Banking Account

November 27, 2020

In recent years, there have been reports of crimes in which a customerfs account information is illegally obtained through phishing sites, etc. and money is transferred from the customerfs account to a third partyfs account via internet banking.

Please take great care to ensure that others cannot find out your bank card PIN number, Tokyo Star Direct login ID, password and secret word login password.

‡@ We will NEVER ask you your password or PIN number, either verbally or by e-mail.
‡A Please do not save your password or PIN number on your PC or smartphone.
‡B Please do not save your password or PIN number in a shared environment (cloud, etc.) on the internet.

Please change your login ID and password if you suspect they may have been compromised as a result of saving your password or PIN number on your PC, smartphone, or in the cloud.

Bank contact point for inquiries

Please contact us if you are caught up in a financial crime:


  • *Response 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
  • *This number can be called from mobile telephones.