Star Mortgage
(for non-permanent residents)

This mortgage can be used by customers who are foreign nationals without permanent resident status.

Characteristics of Star Mortgages

No need to come to a branch! Assess whether you are eligible for a loan by applying for pre-screening.

Star Mortgage Eligibility

Person who is a foreign national without permanent resident status
The Star Housing Loan can be used by customers who are foreign nationals without permanent resident status.
  • *If you receive a permanent residence permit during the loan period and contact TSB, you may be eligible for a preferential interest rate on your loan after a predetermined screening.
Working continuously for at least one year
Annual income (incl. tax) of at least JPY 4 MM
Applicants must have been employees as a full-time employee in Japan for at least one year, and have an annual income of at least JPY 4 MM including tax.
  • *Corporate officers or self-employed persons can apply if they have operated in Japan for at least three financial years.
  • *Your requests may not be granted depending on the screening results.
  • *Please refer to the product description for details.

Reduced lifetime interest rate if designated as salary deposit account!

In principle, if you use your Star Mortgage repayment account as your salary deposit account, the interest rate on your Star Mortgage will be reduced by 1.10% for the lifetime of the loan.

From Star One mortgage base rate at the time of borrowing ▲1.10%

Variable interest rate
to per year

(As of

  • *The borrowing interest rate will be determined and applied to those who meet the prescribed screening criteria.
  • *If you receive a permanent residence permit during the loan period and contact TSB, you may be eligible for a preferential interest rate on your loan after a predetermined screening.
  • *Additional 0.3% per year will be added to the above interest rate depending on the details of the group credit life insurance plan. Please check Loan Interest Rate for details.
  • *An administration fee of 2.2% (including tax) of the loan amount will be charged on the loan drawdown date (per loan). There will also be other expenses, such as a registration fee and stamp tax (actual cost).

The following insured plans are available for Star Mortgages!

Group credit insurance

In addition to coverage for death and severe disability and living needs, two other coverage plans provide peace of mind!

  1. 1Hospitalization expense coverage: JPY 100,000 per hospitalization (day patient expenses also covered)
    If a customer is hospitalized due to illness or injury, hospitalization expense insurance will be paid (up to a total of 12 times)
  2. 2Short-term disability coverage: Guarantees the amount of repayment if you are hospitalized on the repayment date
    If a customer is hospitalized for illness or injury and the hospitalization continues until the loan repayment date, an insurance benefit will be paid (up to 6 months per hospitalization, up to a maximum of 36 months in total over the loan period).

Cancer protection rider
(0.3% increase in interest rate)

If you are diagnosed with cancer, your loan balance becomes “zero”
If you are diagnosed with cancer for the first time in your life and the diagnosis is confirmed by a doctor, a substantial amount will be paid to Tokyo Star Bank as a diagnosis benefit, which will be used to repay the loan. This helps to alleviate your financial concerns during treatment.

Wide group credit
(0.3% increase in interest rate)

Do not give up on insurance even with pre-existing conditions
This group credit life insurance has more relaxed underwriting conditions than conventional group credit life insurance.
Hospitalization expense coverage, short-term disability coverage, and cancer coverage riders cannot be attached.
An underwriting review prescribed by the insurance company is required before enrollment. Not all are eligible to enroll.

  • *There are restrictions on the payment of insurance claims, diagnosis benefits, etc., such as that intraepithelial neoplasms (intraepithelial cancer) are not eligible for the payment of cancer diagnosis benefits. Before applying, please be sure to read the “Agreement Overview” and “Cautionary Information” in the insured's booklet for details of coverage, such as reasons for payment of insurance claims and diagnosis benefits, and cases in which payment is not made.

Loan Period and Limit for Star Mortgages

Loan period
1 year or more to 35 years
(in 1-year increments)
Loan amount
JPY 5 MM to JPY 100 MM
(in JPY 100,000 increments)

However, if the use of the funds is for [purchase or construction], the maximum loan amount will be limited to the purchase price of the property.

  • *Other restrictions may apply based on annual income, collateral assessment by TSB, and other factors.
No need to come to a branch! Assess whether you are eligible for a loan by applying for pre-screening
If you have any questions, please use the following number
If you have any questions, please use the following number
0120-17-9671 (toll free)
  • *Weekdays 9:00-19:00

Star Mortgage Application Process

Pre-screening application
Apply easily online!
Application decision
After confirming the details of your application, we will inform you whether your application has been accepted
Document submission / Final screening
Submit required documents to apply
Contracting procedures
All parties involved will visit the branch to sign the loan agreement.
Application completed
Product Description
As of March 15, 2024
People who can use this product
  • A foreign national who lacks permanent resident status in Japan, but satisfies all of the following conditions:
    • Is residing in Japan
    • Is capable of understanding (reading and writing) Japanese
  • Person who is between the age of 25 and 65, and who will be no older than age 75 when the loan is fully repaid
  • Person who is able to prove with official documents that they have had stable income for at least one year as a full-time employee or at least three financial years as a corporate officer or self-employed person
  • Person whose annual income (pre-tax) is 4 million yen or greater.
  • Person who will use the loan for a property in a major urban area.
    However, there are cases where a property may be ineligible for a loan despite being in such a location.
  • Person who is able to come to branches for procedures such as signing contracts.
Usage of funds

[Purchase or construction]
The funds can be used as follows for the residential housing of the individual involved or a family member who is living together with them.

  • Construction of or improvements to a residence
  • Purchase of residence (including an apartment) built for sale
  • Purchase of an existing residence (including an apartment)
  • Financing of purchase of residential use land (where a residence will be built within one year))

The funds can be used as follows for a residence acquired as residential housing of the individual involved or a family member who is living together with them.

  • Repayment of housing loan currently being borrowed (excluding loans from our bank)
  • *Investment, business and rental properties (including stores, offices, and properties with rental units) are not eligible for loans.
  • *When loans include residential power generation equipment (solar power generation systems, etc.), it must be used for private consumption.
Loan amount

Loans from 5 million yen up to 100 million yen (units of 100,000 yen) are available.
However, in the case where the funds are to be used for “Purchase or construction”, the loan upper limit shall be the purchase price of the property that is to be the subject of the loan.

Loan period

The loan period is from 1 year to 35 years (units of 1 year).

Repayment holiday

The repayment amount can be reduced for a maximum of 36 months at any time from the second year since repayment started. Repayment holidays cannot be used when payments are in arrears.

  • The principal repayment of the scheduled repayment amount can be reduced down to 1 yen (payments of interest will be continued).
  • When a repayment holiday is used, the repayment period will automatically be extended for a period equivalent to the repayment holiday period. Once the repayment period has been extended, it will not be automatically shortened even if the repayment holiday is canceled.
  • A repayment holiday can be used when a loan is made with a repayment plan that includes a repayment holiday in advance or when the repayment period is shortened thorough partial early repayment, and subsequently the shortened repayment period is allocated to a repayment holiday. In either case, the maximum repayment holiday period is 36 months.
  • No administrative fees accrue when using a repayment holiday.
Repayment method

The repayment method is equal monthly payments with interest. A bonus repayment can also be made every six months for up to 40% of the loan amount.

  • *Please inquire with a branch offering this product or the telephone number stated on the product pamphlet for a trial calculation of the repayment amount.
Loan interest rates
  • Loan interest rate is determined based on Star One Housing Loan Standard Interest Rates when the contract is entered. Star One Housing Loan Standard Interest Rates are the interest rates that are released at branches and our bank’s website that are determined every month by our bank based on market interest rate levels. Please check the Tokyo Star Bank website or call the telephone number stated on the product pamphlet for details on specific interest rates and reduction terms.
  • You can freely select from four types of interest rates, consisting of a variable interest rate or a fixed interest rate (3 years, 5 years, or 10 years).
  • The interest rate on borrowings is revised based on variable interest rate levels as of the 6th scheduled repayment date for the variable interest rate, and the 36th, 60th, and 120th scheduled repayment dates, respectively, for fixed interest rates for each type of interest rate is selected, and is subsequently revised every 6 months. Note that it is possible to select a fixed interest rate (3 years, 5 years, or 10 years) as the interest rate after the revision by conducting the prescribed procedures no later than 2 business days prior to each revision date.
  • It is not possible to change loan interest rates between a revision date and the next revision date.
    • *In the event a foreign national is awarded a Permanent Resident visa during the loan period and informs the bank, subject to bank approval, loan interest rate terms may be improved.
Collateral A mortgage will be established over the land and building of the residence covered by the loan with our bank as the first priority lien.
Guarantor In principle, guarantees from guarantee companies or third parties are not required. However, if you have a spouse, please arrange for them to be a jointly liable or to be a guarantor jointly and severally liable . In cases where income is calculated on a combined basis or co-owned property is provided as collateral, it will be necessary for said joint and several guarantor be the person whose co-income is combined with yours or who has co-ownership of the property, as the case may be.
Prepayment No fee is required for the procedures for partial prepayment and full prepayment. The procedures can be implemented via Tokyo Star Direct (Internet Banking).
Administrative fee
(tax included)

An administrative fee of 2.2% of the loan amount shall be paid on the loan disbursement date (for each loan).

  • *In addition, costs such as registration fees and revenue stamp fees will be charged for the actual costs.
Group credit life insurance

In case of emergency, we require that you enroll in a plan with the insurance company group credit life insurance offered by the insurance company as arranged by our Bank. In the event that you use 2 the plan consisting of credit life insurance with cancer coverage and the employment incapacity credit cost insurance rider or 3 the wide group credit plan (group credit life insurance with expanded coverage conditions), the interest rate will increase by 0.3%.

1. Plan consisting of credit life insurance and the employment incapacity credit cost insurance rider
  • Group Credit Life Insurance (Danshin)

    In the event of death or a specified severe disability condition, or when it is determined that you have life expectancy of six months or less, insurance proceeds equivalent to the balance of the home loan will be payable.

  • Employment Incapacity Credit Cost Insurance (Hospitalization Insurance)

    In the event of hospitalization due to sickness or injury, 100,000 yen will be payable as insurance proceeds for hospitalization. If the period of hospitalization includes loan repayment dates, insurance proceeds equivalent to the repayment amounts due for those months will be payable to a maximum of six months (the total protection period is limited to the amounts for 36 months).

2. Plan consisting of credit life insurance with cancer coverage and the employment incapacity credit cost insurance rider
  • Group Credit Life Insurance with cancer coverage (Gan-Danshin)

    In the event of death or a specified severe disability condition, or when it is determined that you have life expectancy of six months or less and, in addition to the foregoing, you are afflicted with cancer (malignant neoplasm) for the first time since birth and diagnosis of such is given by a doctor, insurance proceeds equivalent to the balance of the home loan will be payable.

  • Employment Incapacity Credit Cost Insurance (Hospitalization Insurance)

    In the event of hospitalization due to sickness or injury, 100,000 yen will be payable as insurance proceeds for hospitalization. If the period of hospitalization includes loan repayment dates, insurance proceeds equivalent to the repayment amounts due for those months will be payable to a maximum of six months (the total protection period is limited to the amounts for 36 months).

3. Wide group credit plan (group credit life insurance with expanded coverage conditions)*
  • Group Credit Life Insurance (Wide Group Credit)

    In the event of death or a specified severe disability condition, or when it is determined that you have life expectancy of six months or less, insurance proceeds equivalent to the balance of the home loan will be payable.

    1. *This is group credit life insurance with expanded scope of coverage and is for persons who, due to health reasons, are unable obtain ordinary group credit life insurance. You may get this coverage, depending on the degree of illness.
  • *Payment of insurance proceeds and diagnostic benefits etc., is subject to the condition that epidermal neoplasms (carcinoma in situ) will not be covered for diagnostic benefits for cancer, etc. When applying to enroll, please make sure to read “Contract overview”and the “IMPORTANT INFORMATION” sections of the guide for policyholders regarding the protection details, such as the grounds for payment of insurance proceeds and diagnostic benefits, non-payment, etc.
  • *In the case of those with foreign nationality applying for group credit life insurance, the following condition applies: “The insured individual understands through their own effort the contents of the guidance and applications, can fill in the application forms and notification forms in Japanese, and is based in Japan.”
Designated dispute resolution body for contracts with our bank Japanese Bankers Association
Inquiries Japanese Bankers Association Consultation Office
Telephone number 0570-017109 or 03-5252-3772

Frequently Asked Questions about Star Mortgages

Is it necessary to have a guarantor?

In principle, guarantees by a guarantee company or third party are not required.
However, if you have a spouse, your spouse must be a joint borrower or joint guarantor.
In addition, when combining incomes or using a co-owned property as collateral, it is necessary to have the joint income earners or co-owner of the property become joint guarantors or joint borrowers

Why Tokyo Star Bank is a great choice for every day use
Ever for everyday use! Reasons why Tokyo Star Bank is a great choice

For the Star One account (comprehensive transaction account) that you open when you sign up for a loan, if you specify it as a salary deposit account, the annual interest rate on the JPY savings account is
0.40% (variable interest rate / 0.3187% after tax)*1

In addition, there are effectively no fees for transfers to other banks for up to
5 timesa month when using internet banking*4  ...and more

Interest rate as of

Reasons why you get a great deal from Tokyo Star Bank

Tokyo Star Bank

Tokyo Star Bank is a subsidiary of CTBC Bank Co., Ltd. (CTBC Bank), one of the largest private financial institutions in Taiwan

Our relationship with CTBC Bank helps us meet the diverse needs of our customers.

Our shareholder, CTBC Bank (official name: CTBC Bank Co., Ltd.), is Taiwan's largest private bank and the primary subsidiary of CTBC Financial Holding, a major financial group in Taiwan. Operating globally through its worldwide network, Tokyo Star Bank continues to achieve tremendous growth.

No need to come to a branch! Assess whether you are eligible for a loan by applying for pre-screening
If you have any questions, please use the following number
If you have any questions, please use the following number
0120-17-9671 (toll free)
  • *Weekdays 9:00-19:00