Notice to Customers Who Have Opened Accounts

We thank you for opening your accounts with Tokyo Star Bank. In a society with a declining population it is essential to make financial preparations now to last throughout your lifetime. At Tokyo Star Bank, we offer a variety of products and services specific to generations working towards retirement. Here we introduce relevant products and services to you.
※ Some products/services are not available to foreign nationals.Please call our toll free number for more details.

Please call our toll free number for more details.

Tokyo Star Bank Dedicated Foreign Language Help Desk
Available on weekdays at 9:00〜17:00


How to Successfully
Wealth for Retirement

Salary Deposit Account
  1. 1Earn 250 times more interest when you designate your yen regular savings account as your direct salary deposit account.Designated0.25%(0.1992% after taxes)annually*
    • *As of
  2. 2You do not need to apply to Tokyo Star Bank!
  3. 3Just request your employer to change your registered direct salary deposit account!
  1. 1You can save up as withdrawal not allowed until you reach 60 years of age!
  2. 2With a minimum investment of JPY 5,000, it is easy to get started!
  3. 3Three tax break opportunities as at the time of regular investment, during the investment term, and upon receipt of funds!
Foreign Currency Installment Savings Service
  1. 1You have three options: US dollars; Australian dollars; or Euro!
  2. 2You can start from JPY 1,000 !
  3. 3No foreign currency exchange fee up to JPY 5,000,000/month!*
    • When exchanging foreign currency into yen, the same currency exchange fees as for "Star One foreign currency ordinary deposits” shall apply.
Worldwide Diversified Investment ("Core 6")

Aim for stable returns through a globally diversified investment in six asset types!


Using Your Home

Reverse Mortgage
  1. 1You can borrow funds while continuing to reside at your home for the rest of your life
  2. 2Repayment will commence posthumously
  3. 3Generally no restrictions on how you spend your money !

Prepare Now
for Future

Review of Your Insurance
  1. 1Advice available from our specialists who work independently from any specific insurance companies
  2. 2A rich lineup of products from medical insurance and death insurance to individual pension plans
  3. 3Free unlimited consultations ! Even just to confirm the details of insurance in which you are enrolled
Card Loan
  1. 1Complete your application online! No need to apply at a branch
  2. 2Credit limit between JPY 100,000 and JPY 10 million
    (to be determined based on the bank's screening)
  3. 3Interest rate of 1.5-14.6% annually (including the guarantee fee)

Your Lifetime
Fund Needs

Diagnose Your Lifetime Fund Needs
  1. 1We will give you a prognosis through four different life plan simulations
  2. 2You can learn how to accumulate wealth for a comfortable retirement
  3. 3You can get a prognosis of your lifetime fund needs